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- 10 / 1 / 96 -

L ucent goes public, EZ Pass is found to be overcharging motorists, Joker has info on Fast Toll in Washington DC, Kevin Mitnick is indicted, discussion on why Lewis DePayne (Roscoe) was indicted with him, law enforcement overdoes it with prosecution of child pornography, Phiber Optik comments on the MOD book, Emmanuel going to the Ottawa meeting, Phiber explains frame relay. A three and a half hour special in two weeks is announced but it wound up being cancelled.

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Oct. 1


- 10 / 22 / 96 -

T he new issue of 2600 is about to come out, a woman has a car accident and chase on the radio, the takeover of Turner by Time/Warner and the fight involving Ted Turner, Rupert Murdoch, and New York Mayor Rudolph Guliani over the Fox News Channel, Emmanuel calls the hotline to comment on the Bell Atlantic/NYNEX merger and leaves a comment, a net code of conduct threatens c2.net, Robert Thomas update, Emmanuel investigates the 910 and 920 exchanges.

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Oct. 22


- 10 / 29 / 96 -

T he 809 scam - Emmanuel calls a recording designed to keep callers on the phone, a mass mailing advertising child porn, DVDs to be introduced in January, Phiber gets another ISDN line, Panix reportedly leaving New York for New Jersey because of NYNEX's lousy service, more on the Guliani/Murdoch/Fox story, Emmanuel tracks down a random person on IRC, 56k is now possible over a regular phone line. No show for two weeks.

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Oct. 29

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