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- 9 / 3 / 96 -

E vents take a dramatic turn for the worse as Bernie S. is transferred to a more dangerous facility and severely beaten, Pam describes his frustration at having his jaw wired shut, Emmanuel announces the start of a protest movement, Phiber talks about the differences between his imprisonment and Bernie's, a list of phone numbers and addresses is given. Bernie actually managed to call in during this show, even though he could barely talk.

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Sep. 3


- 9 / 10 / 96 -

T he protest gathers momentum as Bernie continues to be mistreated by the prison and the hospital. Bernie's uncle is attacked by prison personnel when he attempts to take a picture, Bernie describes how he isn't getting medication or pain killers and how this is common practice within prisons, Chris Neitzert calls with an update on his part in the case and an appeal to end infighting within the hacker community, Pam updates the legal status of the case, the listeners discuss strategy.

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Sep. 10


- 9 / 17 / 96 -

I n a real surprise to everyone, Bernie S. is released amidst much fanfare. Pam describes his reassimilation into society, thanks given to the listeners for helping apply pressure and get the word out, Bernie S. calls in with his experiences, the chapter finally ends.

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Sep. 17


- 9 / 24 / 96 -

A n analysis of SYN attacks as 2600 and Phrack both publish articles on the subject and panix.com is paralyzed as a result. Also: NYNEX found to be improving, Emmanuel's ISDN finally working properly, the inequity of payphone charges, Rebel offers new discoveries, Confuse The Operator: why does 10698 go to AT&T, Emmanuel accidentally gets AT&T in Spanish. Alexis Rosen of Panix is the guest.

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Sep. 24

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