Index of /files/radio/ Files/M Series/

MGM Movie Club/                                    18-Sep-2024 22:45                   -
MGM On Parade/                                     18-Sep-2024 22:45                   -
MGM Theater Of The Air/                            18-Sep-2024 22:50                   -
MJB Demitasse Revue/                               18-Sep-2024 22:51                   -
Ma Perkins/                                        18-Sep-2024 22:57                   -
Mac McGuire/                                       18-Sep-2024 22:57                   -
Macabre/                                           18-Sep-2024 22:57                   -
Macy Morning Show/                                 18-Sep-2024 22:57                   -
Maggie's Private Wire/                             18-Sep-2024 22:58                   -
Magic Carpet/                                      18-Sep-2024 23:00                   -
Magic Key, The/                                    18-Sep-2024 23:17                   -
Magic of Music/                                    18-Sep-2024 23:17                   -
Magnificent Montague, The/                         18-Sep-2024 23:20                   -
Mail Call AFRS/                                    18-Sep-2024 23:29                   -
Maisie, The Adventures Of/                         18-Sep-2024 23:32                   -
Majestic Theater Of The Air/                       18-Sep-2024 23:32                   -
Majestic's Master Of Mystery/                      18-Sep-2024 23:33                   -
Major Bowes Original Amateur Hour/                 18-Sep-2024 23:33                   -
Make Believe Ballroom/                             18-Sep-2024 23:34                   -
Make Believe Town Hollywood/                       18-Sep-2024 23:34                   -
Makers Of History/                                 18-Sep-2024 23:34                   -
Man Behind The Gun/                                18-Sep-2024 23:35                   -
Man From Homicide, The/                            18-Sep-2024 23:36                   -
Man Hunt/                                          18-Sep-2024 23:37                   -
Man In The Iron Mask/                              18-Sep-2024 23:38                   -
Man Named Jordan, A/                               18-Sep-2024 23:38                   -
Man On The Line, The/                              18-Sep-2024 23:38                   -
Man with a Cause/                                  18-Sep-2024 23:38                   -
Manchester Ship Canal/                             18-Sep-2024 23:38                   -
Mandrake The Magician/                             18-Sep-2024 23:39                   -
Manhattan/                                         18-Sep-2024 23:39                   -
Manhattan At Midnight/                             18-Sep-2024 23:39                   -
Manhattan Melodies/                                18-Sep-2024 23:41                   -
Manhattan Merry-Go-Round/                          18-Sep-2024 23:43                   -
Manhattan Playhouse/                               18-Sep-2024 23:43                   -
Manhattan Room/                                    18-Sep-2024 23:43                   -
Manhunt/                                           18-Sep-2024 23:43                   -
Many A Slip/                                       18-Sep-2024 23:43                   -
March Of Dimes Collection/                         18-Sep-2024 23:44                   -
March Of Time, The/                                18-Sep-2024 23:50                   -
Marco Polo/                                        18-Sep-2024 23:51                   -
Marconi Memorial Program/                          18-Sep-2024 23:51                   -
Margie And The Models/                             18-Sep-2024 23:51                   -
Marian Anderson/                                   18-Sep-2024 23:51                   -
Marine Story/                                      18-Sep-2024 23:51                   -
Mario Lanza Show/                                  18-Sep-2024 23:56                   -
Mark Trail/                                        19-Sep-2024 00:01                   -
Marriage Lines/                                    19-Sep-2024 00:03                   -
Martha Meade Society Program/                      19-Sep-2024 00:03                   -
Martha White Buscit Time/                          19-Sep-2024 00:03                   -
Martin - Lamm/                                     19-Sep-2024 00:04                   -
Martin Agronsky News/                              19-Sep-2024 00:04                   -
Martin And Lewis/                                  19-Sep-2024 00:07                   -
Martin Kane Private Investigator/                  19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Martin Lamm/                                       19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Marvelous Margie/                                  19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Marx Brothers/                                     19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Mary Foster, Editor's Daughter/                    19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Mary Margaret McBride/                             19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Mary Noble/                                        19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Mary Pickford And Company/                         19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Mary Small Show/                                   19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Maskers Roast/                                     19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Master Control/                                    19-Sep-2024 00:08                   -
Masters Of Melody/                                 19-Sep-2024 00:09                   -
Masters Of Mystery/                                19-Sep-2024 00:09                   -
Matinee/                                           19-Sep-2024 00:09                   -
Matinee At Meadowbrook/                            19-Sep-2024 00:10                   -
Matter of Luck, A/                                 19-Sep-2024 00:10                   -
Matthew Slade, Private Investigator/               19-Sep-2024 00:10                   -
Max Carrados Mysteries/                            19-Sep-2024 00:10                   -
Maxwell House Coffee Time/                         19-Sep-2024 00:11                   -
Maxwell House Good News/                           19-Sep-2024 00:15                   -
Mayor Of The Town/                                 19-Sep-2024 00:16                   -
McCoy/                                             19-Sep-2024 00:16                   -
McGarry And His Mouse/                             19-Sep-2024 00:17                   -
McMohan's Midnight Roundup/                        19-Sep-2024 00:17                   -
Me And Janie/                                      19-Sep-2024 00:17                   -
Medical File/                                      19-Sep-2024 00:18                   -
Medical Milestones/                                19-Sep-2024 00:18                   -
Medicine USA/                                      19-Sep-2024 00:18                   -
Meet Corliss Archer/                               19-Sep-2024 00:19                   -
Meet Me At Owl's/                                  19-Sep-2024 00:19                   -
Meet Me At Parky's/                                19-Sep-2024 00:40                   -
Meet Me In St Louis/                               19-Sep-2024 00:40                   -
Meet Millie/                                       19-Sep-2024 00:41                   -
Meet Miss Sherlock/                                19-Sep-2024 00:41                   -
Meet Mr. McNutley/                                 19-Sep-2024 00:42                   -
Meet The Huggetts/                                 19-Sep-2024 00:43                   -
Meet The Meeks/                                    19-Sep-2024 00:45                   -
Meet The Menjous/                                  19-Sep-2024 00:47                   -
Meet The Press/                                    19-Sep-2024 00:57                   -
Meet Your Match/                                   19-Sep-2024 00:57                   -
Mel Allen Sports/                                  19-Sep-2024 00:57                   -
Mel Price/                                         19-Sep-2024 00:57                   -
Melody And Madness/                                19-Sep-2024 00:57                   -
Melody Hour/                                       19-Sep-2024 01:02                   -
Melody Puzzles/                                    19-Sep-2024 01:02                   -
Melody Roundup/                                    19-Sep-2024 01:09                   -
Melody Showcase/                                   19-Sep-2024 01:09                   -
Melody Souvenirs/                                  19-Sep-2024 01:09                   -
Memorial Service For Journalist Ernie Pyle/        19-Sep-2024 01:09                   -
Memories of Hawaii/                                19-Sep-2024 01:10                   -
Men At Sea/                                        19-Sep-2024 01:11                   -
Men From The Ministry/                             19-Sep-2024 01:13                   -
Men Of Vision/                                     19-Sep-2024 01:13                   -
Men Who Made America/                              19-Sep-2024 01:14                   -
Mercer McLeod/                                     19-Sep-2024 01:15                   -
Mercury Company Remembers/                         19-Sep-2024 01:15                   -
Mercury Summer Theater/                            19-Sep-2024 01:15                   -
Mercury Theater/                                   19-Sep-2024 01:19                   -
Mercury Theater - Lady Esther Presents Orson We..> 19-Sep-2024 01:19                   -
Mercury Wonder Show/                               19-Sep-2024 01:19                   -
Meredith Wilson's Musical Revue/                   19-Sep-2024 01:21                   -
Merry Go Round/                                    19-Sep-2024 01:21                   -
Merry Go-Round Melodies/                           19-Sep-2024 01:22                   -
Mesa Memories/                                     19-Sep-2024 01:22                   -
Message from William R Hearst/                     19-Sep-2024 01:22                   -
Met Opera Presents/                                19-Sep-2024 01:22                   -
Methuselah's Children/                             19-Sep-2024 01:23                   -
Metropolitan Opera/                                19-Sep-2024 01:24                   -
Metropolitan Opera Auditions/                      19-Sep-2024 01:26                   -
Michael Piper Private Detective/                   19-Sep-2024 01:26                   -
Michael Shayne/                                    19-Sep-2024 01:37                   -
Michael Strogoff - Courier Of The Czar/            19-Sep-2024 01:38                   -
Mickey Mouse Theater Of The Air/                   19-Sep-2024 01:38                   -
Midday Merry Goround/                              19-Sep-2024 01:39                   -
Midmorning Matinee/                                19-Sep-2024 01:39                   -
Midnight Merry Go Round/                           19-Sep-2024 01:39                   -
Midnighters Club/                                  19-Sep-2024 01:39                   -
Midstream/                                         19-Sep-2024 01:39                   -
Mildred Bailey Show/                               19-Sep-2024 01:39                   -
Milton Berle Show, The/                            19-Sep-2024 01:41                   -
Mind Your Manners/                                 19-Sep-2024 01:43                   -
Mindy Carson Show/                                 19-Sep-2024 01:43                   -
Minnesota Old Tales And New/                       19-Sep-2024 01:44                   -
Minnesota School Of The Air/                       19-Sep-2024 01:44                   -
Minstrel Train, The/                               19-Sep-2024 01:44                   -
Miracles/                                          19-Sep-2024 01:44                   -
Mirror/                                            19-Sep-2024 01:44                   -
Mirror Yiddish Soap Opera/                         19-Sep-2024 01:44                   -
Mirth And Madness/                                 19-Sep-2024 01:44                   -
Mirth And Melody/                                  19-Sep-2024 01:44                   -
Mirth Parade, The/                                 19-Sep-2024 01:46                   -
Mis-Adventures Of Si And Elmer, The/               19-Sep-2024 01:48                   -
Misc/                                              19-Sep-2024 01:48                   -
Miscellaneous Bands And Vocals/                    19-Sep-2024 01:49                   -
Miss Hattie/                                       19-Sep-2024 01:49                   -
Miss Information/                                  19-Sep-2024 01:49                   -
Miss Pinkerton Inc/                                19-Sep-2024 01:49                   -
Missing Persons/                                   19-Sep-2024 01:49                   -
Mission Village On The Air/                        19-Sep-2024 01:51                   -
Missus Goes A Shopping/                            19-Sep-2024 01:51                   -
Mitch Miller Show/                                 19-Sep-2024 01:52                   -
Mobil Gas News Service/                            19-Sep-2024 01:52                   -
Modern Romances/                                   19-Sep-2024 01:52                   -
Molly And The Captain/                             19-Sep-2024 01:52                   -
Monday Night Playhouse - CBC/                      19-Sep-2024 01:54                   -
Monday Playbill - CBC/                             19-Sep-2024 02:01                   -
Monitor/                                           19-Sep-2024 02:01                   -
Monticello Party Line/                             19-Sep-2024 02:02                   -
Moon Mullins/                                      19-Sep-2024 02:02                   -
Moon River/                                        19-Sep-2024 02:03                   -
Morey Amsterdam Show/                              19-Sep-2024 02:03                   -
Mormon Tabernacle Choir/                           19-Sep-2024 02:03                   -
Morning In Manhattan/                              19-Sep-2024 02:03                   -
Morning Matinee/                                   19-Sep-2024 02:03                   -
Morning Melodies/                                  19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Morning Stories of Life/                           19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Mort Musbaum Show/                                 19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Mostly Dixie/                                      19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Mostly Music/                                      19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Mother Murphys Boarding House/                     19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Movie Horoscope/                                   19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Movie Matinee/                                     19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Movie Parade/                                      19-Sep-2024 02:04                   -
Movie Personalities/                               19-Sep-2024 02:05                   -
Movie Playhouse/                                   19-Sep-2024 02:05                   -
Movie Radio Guide/                                 19-Sep-2024 02:05                   -
Movies4TheBlind/                                   19-Sep-2024 02:17                   -
Movietown Radio Theater/                           19-Sep-2024 02:18                   -
Moving Stories Of Life/                            16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mr & Mrs Music/                                    16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mr Ace And Jane/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mr Aladdin/                                        16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mr Chameleon/                                      16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mr Feathers/                                       16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mr I A Moto/                                       16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mr President/                                      16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mr and Mrs Blandings/                              16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mrs Tuckers Smile Program/                         16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Much About Dolittle/                               16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Much Binding In The Marsh/                         16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mulligans Travels/                                 16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Murder Clinic/                                     16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Murder For Christmas/                              16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Murder Will Out/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Murphy Jamboree/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music A La Mode/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music America Loves Best/                          16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music And The Muse/                                16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music By Adlan/                                    16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music By Kostelanetz/                              16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music By Martin/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music By Woodbury/                                 16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Comedy/                                      16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Depreciation/                                16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music For Moderns/                                 16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music For Sunday/                                  16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music For The United Nations/                      16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music From America/                                16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music From The House Of Squibb/                    16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music From Your Home Town/                         16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music From the Chalet/                             16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music In Minature/                                 16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music In The Foster Fashion/                       16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music In The Morgan Manner/                        16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Miscellaneous/                               16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Of Andre Kostelanetz/                        16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Of David Rose/                               16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Of Howard Barlow/                            16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Of Mark Warnow/                              16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Of The Americas/                             16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music On Deck/                                     16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Room/                                        16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music Valley/                                      16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music We Love/                                     16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music With Wings/                                  16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music You Like/                                    16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music and the Spoken Word/                         16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Music for the Middle Mind/                         16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Musical Autographs/                                16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Musical Comedy Theatre/                            16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Musical Moments/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Musical Special/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Musical Special Events Berkshire Festival/         16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mutual Broadcasting System/                        16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mutual Christmas Special/                          16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mutual Network Dedication Program/                 16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mutual News At Noon/                               16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mutual Of Omaha/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Favorite Husband/                               16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Home Town/                                      16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Little Margie/                                  16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Lucky Break/                                    16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Mothers Husband/                                16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Name Is Adam Kain/                              16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Secret Story/                                   16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Son Jeep/                                       16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Wildest Dream/                                  16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
My Word/                                           16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Myrt And Marge/                                    16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mysterious Circumstances/                          16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mysterious Railway Stories/                        16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Award Theater/                             16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Castle/                                    16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Chef/                                      16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery In The Air (1947)/                         16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Is My Hobby/                               16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Of The Week/                               16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Playhouse/                                 16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Project, The/                              16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Theater - ABC/                             16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -
Mystery Theater - CBC/                             16-Sep-2024 17:30                   -