In the first half, historian, author and speaker, Neil Howe discussed his work on generations and how they shape history as well as the twenty-year cycle of crisis facing the US as predicted in his book The Fourth Turning. Years ago, Howe predicted the rise in populism globally, which is gaining momentum. Explaining how cycles work within America, he noted that if we took the length of a long human life-- 80 or 90 years, we'd be back in the depression era 1930s, and the cycle before that was the Civil War, and before that the Revolutionary War. There appears to be a temporal pattern or rhythm to these major civic events, he continued, and roughly halfway in between those upheavals, we had "great awakenings" with reformations in religion, values, literature, culture, and music. The most recent example of this, he said, was during the late 60s and 1970s. There is an interaction with the events molding generations, and generations influencing history. Howe's term, the "Millennial Generation," has been widely adopted, and refers to those born roughly between 1982 and 2002. Millennials, he suggested, may choose to regulate big technology companies, as they tend to be more risk-averse and seek a more controlled world. In contrast to older individualists (Boomers, Gen-Xers) who figured out how to make the world work for them, Millennials, he noted, are more concerned about the future of the larger society, and the planet. Howe also addressed how the housing building demand has dramatically decreased as Millennials are living together, or with their parents, as well as favoring the "sharing economy," which creates a bearish trend for the consumer durables sector. -------------------------- With an Associate of Arts degree in Criminal Justice, Jamie Katz combined her passion for criminal investigations with her love of animals. Since 2015, she's helped distraught pet owners find their lost and stolen animals. In the latter half, she shared her methodology, as well as recalled the many different types of cases she's worked on. Beyond searching for dogs and cats, she's also been hired to locate such creatures as birds, ferrets, and tortoises. The most common way pets get out is via the backyard, she explained-- a friendly dog may be picked up by someone right away, whereas a shyer dog may elude people, and dash away if it's running from a fearful situation (such as hearing thunder). Indoor/outdoor cats may leave their home and neighborhood if they feel pushed out by another territorial cat, she added. Among her over 500 cases, she's found that in around 10% of them, animals (typically dogs) are stolen off of someone's property or other location. Katz advises clients how to make a lost sign for their pets, and where to post them. In one surprising incident, a German shepherd puppy in FL went missing and was found via microchip scanning around two years later, fully grown in Colorado. In addition to not leaving animals outside unsupervised, she recommends that people have a phone number on the pet's collar, as well getting them microchipped. If you should find a missing animal, contact the authorities, and eventually turn the pet over to a shelter-- in many municipalities, you can put a deposit down if you want to keep the pet if no one else claims it, she cited. During the last 15 minutes, George presented a D-Day tribute on the event's 75th anniversary, featuring the words of FDR.