Greg Kieser is the founder of, a Brooklyn-based think-tank and angel investment firm dedicated to increasing humanity’s readiness for the emergence of superintelligent entities through the study and spread of "supersystemic" perspectives and innovations. Ian Punnett (Twitter) welcomed Kieser in the first half, who led off the conversation with a definition of "super intelligence" in machines as something that can have a normal human conversation that is indistinguishable from a real person. Kieser believes that these super intelligent entities will emerge out of the vast sea of data that we have built for ourselves and that the first autonomous examples will attempt to improve efficiency and our relationship with the natural world. The problem, he says is "that’s where the friction comes in," since there are many things that we do that are inefficient, but we do them for human reasons. Kieser predicted that we will eventually have connections from our brains directly to the internet. He continued, "we will ask a question in our mind, and the answer will be there instantly." The economic advantage of this possibility makes it inevitable, he said. He thinks that this scenario is still a decade or two in the future, though. Kieser also discussed the concept of blockchain computing and how the very structure of these systems are designed to be completely transparent, meaning that the structure does not work unless the information in it is available to everyone using it. The increasing use of these systems, he thinks will lead to a greater understanding of how human activity affects our behavior and the environment, and allow us (or emergent A.I.) to improve on it. --------------------------------- Open Lines followed in the second half. Steve called in from Nebraska to tell of a new paleontological dig in his area that is revealing such amazing fossils as a pregnant mastodon. He also related the story of a local man who had discovered a Native American burial site on his property and dug up and reburied the remains he found. Ian wondered about the ethical and legal ramifications of this situation. Vincent in Florida was inspired by the Greg Kieser interview to point out that "humans wepaonize everything" and his fear that AI might be used by the Devil to "manifest the antichrist on Earth." Johan called in from all the way in Switzerland and mentioned his theory that, based on his psychic archaeological research, that the Garden of Eden was located in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Peter from Florida described an eerie experience with a Catholic prayer ritual where he "heard a loud emphatic female voice whisper my name" and later found out that a friend he didn’t know was ill had died. Louise from Kentucky said that she had visited Paris many times in her life and used a research library there to discover that the site of Notre Dame Cathedral was originally a temple to the goddess Isis. James in Texas reported that "Bigfoot actually talks English" and played recordings of alleged Bigfoot calls he slowed down to 1/2 speed to prove his theory. Ian seemed unconvinced, even though James claimed that one recording sounded like one of the creatures said "Hi, Bob."