Could humans one day live forever? According to Bill Faloon, founder of the Church of Perpetual Life, if you're under 40 years of age, you have a decent chance of staying young and healthy to 100 and beyond. He joined guest host Richard Syrett to discuss the latest research into slowing and, possibly, reversing biological aging. "We're on the verge of a biomedical Renaissance, where older people are going to be made somewhat younger or very younger depending on how fast we can accelerate our research," he explained, noting scientists (published in the journal Nature) have suggested there is no upper limit to human lifespan. If the genetic profile of supercentenarians (people who have lived to or surpassed 110) can be emulated, virtually everyone can live in good health to 100 years old, Faloon proposed. "We can edit our genes using CRISPR-Cas9 technology to literally enable older people to grow biologically younger," he added. Faloon cited studies which showed how following a certain prescribed healthy lifestyle delayed the rate of biological aging by four years. He also described a treatment called parabiosis (based on experiments with two mice sharing a common bloodstream) in which wealthy people infuse themselves with blood from teenagers for its rejuvenating effects and to gain a kind of 'immortality'. ------------------------------------------------ During the second half of the program, Writer and historian Andrew Collins described how an ancient race called the Denisovans gifted modern humans with civilization, including ideas which linked them to knowledge of the constellation Cygnus seen referenced in the ruins of Göbekli Tepe in southeast Turkey and at the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. "[Civilization] could have been handed to us by... archaic humans (Denisovans) that existed and thrived on this Earth before our modern ancestors," Collins suggested. He pointed to archaeological relics which show Denisovan high culture, such as intricate jewelry, carved wind instruments, and bone needles for making tailored clothing. Around 60 to 70 thousand years ago the Denisovans had a modern-style drill and other tools, and had domesticated horses for transportation, Collins continued. "The Denisovans created the tool kit that would become the mainstay of us modern humans," he added. According to Collins, the Denisovans were massive in size, built like wrestlers standing well over seven feet tall. They had knowledge of number counting and celestial cycles, and believed the stars of Cygnus marked the entry and exit of the sky-world, he explained. These ideas are universal across many ancient cultures and found at Göbekli Tepe."The key enclosures... at Göbekli Tepe are orientated towards the brightest star of Cygnus," Collins reported, noting how these concepts migrated to North Africa to a region where the Giza pyramids would be built. They, too, are aligned with Cygnus, he revealed.