David Adair is an internationally recognized expert in space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial use. He discussed the Shield Act, legislation currently stalled in congressional sub-committee which would harden the U.S. electric grid from attack and damage from solar flares. Adair said that a solar coronal mass ejection event like one that narrowly missed the Earth on July 23rd of 2012 would kill 90-93% of the US population within a year, because of the loss of electrical power and the infrastructure that depends on it. If the charged particles had hit the Earth, Adair told George that "we wouldn’t be talking right now." In 2013, a North Korean freighter with a load of sugar from Cuba was found smuggling two Cuban missiles through the Panama Canal. Adair claimed that, properly armed, these missiles could take out the electrical grid of the entire continental US, and that they could be launched from Mexico, where he says there is no missile defense along the U.S. border. Adair also recalled an attack on a power substation in Silicon Valley in 2013 by an apparently sophisticated group who used AK-47 assault rifles to do about $14 million worth of damage in less than an hour, and that he characterized as a possible "dry run." He encouraged listeners to write letters to the senator (Lisa Murkowski) and congressman (Greg Walden) in charge of passing the Shield Act to convince them to move forward. Senator Lisa Murkowski 522 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-6665 Congressman Greg Walden 2185 Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-6730 -------------------------- In the second half, philosopher, historian, theologian, writer, lawyer, and mason Robert W. Sullivan IV discussed his fascination with how occult symbolism is used in cinema, as well how the influence of secret societies permeates through culture. In his two books, Sullivan examines how Hollywood uses myth and symbol to reveal deeper truths and ideas from mythology and the lore of secret groups. Sullivan started off the program by stating that the cast of actors on many films are chosen by based on other features in which they have appeared and how this may amplify or comment on the role they will be playing in the new production. He believes they are all involved in "modern day mythology making," building on and repeating powerful themes that resonate with audiences. Sullivan stated that the 2004 film "National Treasure" was a "masonic ritual onscreen," specifically the storyline that deals with the recovery of a treasure underneath the ground, just as in masonic tales of the search for the wisdom of all ages that is found in a subterranean vault. Sullivan also discussed the occult symbolism of the Stanley Kubrick movie "Eyes Wide Shut" and the meaning of the constant repetition of themes and numbers in his film, "The Shining." In answer to a listener question of why symbols are used at all, Sullivan concluded that they "are important because you can decode them and see things differently."