During the 1960s and '70s Carl Lehrburger was engaged as an environmental activist. In the first half of the program, he discussed developments in industrial hemp and the power of cannabinoids, as well as his work studying archaeological and sacred sites in North America. "We’ve been lied to about our history" he began, and his research (and those of many others, he pointed out) indicates that civilizations from across the globe visited America thousands of years before Columbus. Lehrburger contends that the explorer "was not first, but last." He pointed to the discovery of ancient stones found off the coast of Maine and Masachusetts which were inscribed with Phoenician writing. Lehrburger says that ancient cultures visited the continent to exploit the many surface deposits of rare and useful metals like gold, silver, and copper, voyaging from such places as India and the Middle East. He says that there is ample pre-columbian evidence that the Celtic peoples established extensive settlements on the eastern seaboard and even explored as far as present-day Colorado and Oklahoma. Lehrburger also spoke about his efforts to reintroduce hemp and cannabis products back into the economy. He pointed out that it was actually mandatory to grow hemp in colonial America because of its usefulness in making rope and fiber for textiles. He also said that the oil from hemp seeds is "one of the healthiest" and highest quality oils available. The flowers of the plant produce over 100 types of compounds that have various uses in addition to THC that is used to get high. Another is CBD, which Lehrburger says is the only known cure for childhood epilepsy, as well as possessing analgesic properties. During call-ins, Eric called from Texas to ask about the evidence that many native American languages contain words from Japanese, Hindi, and Celtic languages. Lehrburger said that skilled linguists are needed to begin to study this issue in detail, as well as scientists to perform DNA research on native populations to look for more evidence of mixing of races from prehistoric times. ---------------------- In the second half, Jim Paris discussed his remarkable story of going bankrupt and his journey back from the brink of suicide. Paris recounted his early success in the stock market with his own brokerage firm that made him a multimillionaire by the time he was 30. In 2001, an audit of his finances revealed that he had lost almost two million dollars over a year’s time. It was revealed that his own brother, who was his chief accountant, was embezzling the money by inflating expenses and covering it up with two sets of records. Eventually, Paris found that he had been stealing from him for over five years, and that he was actually trying to have Paris jailed for malfeasance. He said that he forgave his brother years ago, but "doesn’t think of him as a brother any more." Paris realized that he needed to change the way he prayed to change his life. He realized after his breakdown that it was "not supposed to be a one-way communication." To this end, he would pray for guidance and then sit quietly for an hour or two with a pad and pencil and write down whatever came to mind. To his surprise, he began to get positive, actionable ideas which he believed was God speaking to him. When he told others, they experienced similar results and said that they knew that the inspiration was coming from outside of themselves, since they could "never think of these things on my own." Paris is back on his feet again, has a modest income and lifestyle and concluded that "when you’re consumed with getting more, it doesn’t bring happiness."