In the first half, researcher Scott Portzline shared updates on the possibility of sabotage and terrorism at America's nuclear power plants. In the US, there are currently 99 operating plants, as well as dangerous nuclear material stored at industries and within universities, he cited. "It's a worrisome time," as not only do we have to be concerned about terrorism, but "we have an aging fleet of reactors and we have utilities who don't want to spend a lot of money, and are reducing their work forces," he revealed. The US gets 19% of its electrical power from nuclear plants, but when you add in the price of protecting and managing used nuclear fuel and waste dumps, it's hardly worth the cost, he commented. Recently, authorities including UN Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson have warned about threats against nuclear plants such as by drones carrying explosives, or a cyberattack causing uncontrolled releases of radiation. There have also been concerns over "dirty drones" that could spray nuclear material over Western cities (see related images), he reported. Portzline also raised the vexing possibility of sabotage by plant workers, as well as rogue citizens-- an industrial mechanic was recently sentenced to 30 years in prison for plotting to kill hundreds of people with a homemade 'Death Ray' using nuclear materials. Regarding the Fukushima accident, he remarked that Japan still has no idea of the enormous scale of the disaster. ------------------------ In the latter half, tenured faculty member at Boston University, Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., discussed his work dating the ancient Egyptian Sphinx, and other structures, as well as his contention that a coronal mass ejection or solar outburst triggered cataclysmic earth changes, and destroyed an advanced civilization that predated ancient Egypt, Sumeria, and Greece. According to his research, the body of the Sphinx dates back to around 10,000 BC (its head though is not the original one). Just to carve the body of the Sphinx required an incredible sophistication-- they had to carve and move huge limestone blocks up to 50 tons, he detailed. The original sites for the Great Pyramid and other structures were also constructed at this time, but built over in later years, he said. During this time frame of 12,000 years ago, structures such as Gobekli Tepe in Turkey were also built, and he believes there was likely an interconnected global civilization. A new discovery on the Giza Plateau indicates that the bedrock was charred and burned, and he believes that's where the solar burst or plasma hit. Shoch also announced the formation of the new Organization for the Research of Ancient Cultures (ORACUL), which seeks to raise awareness and money for out-of-the box projects such as exploring the chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx. News segment guests: Lauren Weinstein, Robert Zimmerman