As a presenter on BBC Stargazing Live, Mark Thompson helped inspire 4 million viewers to get out and enjoy the night sky. In the first half, he discussed his research on deep space, the study of stars and black holes, as well as his latest work on what it would be like to actually travel through space. There are a variety of challenges both physical and psychological that travelers would face journeying through our solar system, with a round trip taking something like 20 years, he reported. There are some 400 billion stars in our galaxy, and around 3,000 exoplanets discovered so far, so the odds are good that intelligent life exists elsewhere, but the question of whether we'll be able to communicate with them is an entirely different matter, he commented. Europa, Jupiter's moon, is one of the candidates for life in our solar system, as it's thought to have a liquid ocean underneath its ice crust. There is life flourishing deep in our oceans without much sunlight, which seems to approximate conditions on Europa, he pointed out. Regarding stargazing, he noted that stars that appear in physical proximity in constellations like Orion, are typically at vastly different distances from us and sometimes separated by thousands of light years. A black hole is the remnant of a massive star that has died, while even more massive stars that blow themselves to pieces create a "singularity,' an object that has no dimensions yet is infinitely dense, he explained, adding that they may relate to wormholes, theoretical passages or shortcuts across space and time. --------------------------- Author and photographer Will Hart has been searching for how life originated on Earth and what the truth is regarding our human heritage and identity. In the latter half, he linked science research and modern UFO phenomena to the anomalies of ancient artifacts and texts to reach his conclusion that Earth was seeded by an ET race. There is a multitude of evidence and sightings for UFO visitation, yet mainstream science seems to ignore this, he remarked. Hart suggested that the book of Genesis is really about terraforming and an alien race bio-engineering human beings. "An invisible God doesn't have DNA," and these were physical beings who made us in their image, he said. Human beings didn't build the pyramids, he continued, noting that "the Egyptians had the most primitive tools you can imagine," and couldn't possibly cut granite with sharp right corners, or move the giant-sized blocks. For further evidence of alien involvement, he pointed to the elongated skulls that have been found, which have larger volume and different anatomy than human skulls; and what looks like wheel tracks in bedrock in about 12 different places around the world that are mostly located near enigmatic archaeological sites.