Date: Saturday - July 30, 2016 Host: Dave Schrader Guests: Tim Baker, Jim King, Brenda Harvey Harris Jim "Bear" King of the Bigfoot Outlaws program had his first Bigfoot encounter as a child 40 years ago. Since then, he's been studying the creature with numerous sightings and enough stories to fill a book. He, along with fellow Bigfoot researcher Tim "Coonbo" Baker (VIEW PHOTOS), joined Dave Schrader (email) to discuss the dark side of Bigfoot—the side you don't want to encounter. King described his first encounter at age six when he was awakened during the night by an intense hooting-clacking sound. There was a large ape-like creature slowly swaying back and forth, draped over the top wire of a barbed wire fence, he reported. Baker shared his first encounter as well. He recalled hearing an "extremely loud, very deep roar" while playing outside when he was three years old that caused his mother to pull him back inside the house. According to Baker, later that night he heard the neighbor's dogs attack something and his grandfather fire a gun to scare it off. The next day the dogs were found completely torn to shreds, he continued, noting the neighbors had packed up and left in the middle of the night and never returned. Baker's grandfather warned him about a creature which appeared to be a cross between a large monkey and a bear that hung out in trees. King recalled an incident from the early 70s when his grandfather caught a glimpse of something at the fence line and started yelling. "That's when we noticed this chimpanzee-type gorilla loping towards us on all fours on the ground," he said. Baker shared another encounter when he was chased out of the woods by an angry Bigfoot who aggressively shook trees and growled at him for entering its territory. ------------------------------------------------ Sasquatch on Navajo Reservation First hour guest, Native American Bigfoot researcher Brenda Harvey Harris described how Bigfoot has terrorized a New Mexico reservation. Harris said she first heard reports of sasquatch by a river in her region on the radio during road trips to her grandmother's house. She recalled one trip when her mother began screaming about something on the road, and wondered if it could have been Bigfoot. She detailed her own encounter from 1986, when something tried to open her door and she walked out to find a tall, scraggly creature on the porch. "It was scary to actually see one that close," she revealed. Harris also speculated on the spiritual-physical nature of sasquatch and whether it is good or evil.