Host: John B. Wells Guests: Roger Stone Combining decades of insider political knowledge with cutting edge JFK assassination research, political operative Roger Stone joined John B. Wells to lay out the case that Lyndon B. Johnson manipulated the situation in Dallas on November 22, 1963, to have JFK killed. Stone described LBJ as an amoral psycho who was corrupt, ruthless, greedy, dishonest, crude and vicious. LBJ routinely abused people and was known to conduct meetings from the toilet to humiliate staffers, he added. According to Stone, LBJ can be tied to at least eight murders, including one to cover-up the voter fraud that led to his first election victory. Robert Kennedy hated LBJ and did not want him on the presidential ticket with his brother, Stone continued, noting that JFK had originally selected Stuart Symington as his running mate. JFK was visited late one night by LBJ who blackmailed him with the release of a dossier on his sexual exploits (given to him by J. Edgar Hoover) if he didn't put him on the ticket, he revealed. Stone connected LBJ to numerous criminals and nefarious dealings that were sure to eventually land him in jail. "The only way for him to stay out of prison was to become president himself," he said. LBJ used his political power to hide secret CIA programs in the aerospace budget, control military contracts, get mob payoffs to protect illegal gambling operations in Texas, and look out for large oil interests in his home state, Stone explained. He basically had a unique relationship with every party involved in the plot to kill JFK, he said. Stone disclosed that LBJ vacationed with mob boss Carlos Marcello at a resort owned by Texas oil man Clint Murchison, Sr., who hated JFK because he was trying to repeal a giant tax giveaway known as the Oil Depletion Allowance. He also spoke about Ambassador Joseph Kennedy, JFK's father and former gangster, who blackmailed mob bosses Carlos Marcello, Santo Trafficante and others for money and support of his son in the election or they would face deportation. LBJ is the linchpin of the plot to kill JFK because he controlled Dallas and urged JFK go there, Stone suggested. Texas governor and LBJ protégé John Connally insisted JFK go through Dealey Plaza, he noted. Stone believes there were multiple shooters used that day, including one on the grassy knoll, as JFK was shot from the front and back. He credited Malcolm "Mac" Wallace, a Marine marksman LBJ used to kill several people, with shooting JFK from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Strong fingerprint evidence and an eyewitness place Wallace at the scene of the crime, he said, adding that Lee Harvey Oswald's prints were planted there.