Host: George Noory Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Marshall Masters Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the recent release of previously classified NSA documents in response to an ACLU Freedom of Information Act request concerning surveillance, unusual solar patterns, an "impossible" UFO radar track, and mysterious cases of animal mutilations. The released NSA documents revealed that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) made rulings which were highly critical of the NSA, and the judges said that not only had the NSA violated its own rules and the law, but had repeatedly misled the FISA court judges. Linda spoke with Gregory Nojeim, Senior Counsel and Director, Project on Freedom, Security and Technology for the Center for Democracy and Technology in Washington, D.C. who believes that these kind of disclosures may add impetus for legislative changes both in how the FISA Court works, as well as setting limits on the NSA's surveillance of US citizens. More. In her second report, she noted how the sun has been nearly free of sunspots when it should be at the height of its solar maximum intensity. In her interview with NASA solar physicist David Hathaway, he remarked that we're experiencing the weakest solar maximum in at least 100 years and that current data suggests that a spotless period could follow, similar to the Maunder Minimum of the 1700s. Though this might slow the warming of the Earth, it's unlikely to create a "little ice age," he said. Further info. Retired Teton County, Montana Sheriff John "Pete" Howard spoke with Linda in her third and fourth segments. Teton is not far from Great Falls where the U.S. had a large underground network of Minuteman missiles. Howard said he saw a hovering UFO that produced a radar record that astounded the U.S. Air Force Colonel he was working with, followed by a dramatic encounter with government agents, who absconded with the radar scroll. Howard also talked about witnessing mutilated animals that veterinarians confirmed had missing internal organs without any excisions to the animal's body, implying the use of an unknown technology. There were also unusual cases where it became clear the dead, mutilated bodies had to have been placed by something able to lift and lower the heavy bodies. More. Planet X Update First hour guest, author and publisher Marshall Masters shared updates about Planet X, which he believes is an inbound object in our solar system that is actually more like a mini-constellation, with a brown dwarf sun at the center. He contends that there's been a deliberate effort to suppress information about Planet X's arrival, and that Robert Harrington, a former chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, died before he could publicize what he knew about Planet X. Masters suggested we could see some kind of major effect by the end of this year which will scare people and wake them up to the reality of Planet X. News segment guests: Peter Schiff, Jerome Corsi, Capt. Kelly Sweeney