Host: George Noory Guests: Georgina Cannon, David Seaman The founder of Canada's leading hypnosis training facility and clinic, Georgina Cannon, discussed the power of hypnosis and how it can be used to access not only past lives, but 'interlives,' which have a profound impact on our well-being right now on the Earth plane. Hypnosis opens up access to the subconscious, and offers the chance to change its blueprint, she explained. Some 98% of the clients she's regressed have spoken of past lives, she added. One of her most fascinating cases involved a woman in her 60s, who lost her memory at age 17, when she woke up and found herself bruised and scratched on a park bench, with no ID cards or purse. Over the years, no one could ever find a trace of her family, and she couldn't travel without papers. Cannon regressed her back to the womb, and she suddenly remembered her name, and that she was one of six children. A week later she was in touch with a sister from North Carolina who'd been looking for her for years. In a number of cases, information about past lives has been able to be verified. She described one case of a woman who regressed back to a life as Pavlova, the ballet dancer, and was able to cite extremely specific details and addresses. However, the vast majority of past lives that people recall are that of ordinary rather than famous individuals, she noted. The therapeutic aspect of past life recall sometimes allows people to rid themselves of troubling psychological or physical problems by finding their root cause. Cannon, who suffered from migraines, was regressed during her initial training to a past life as a beleaguered midwife who lived in a cave. After a birth went awry, the midwife was attacked by a man with a rock, who hit the left side of her head-- the area where she experienced her migraines. The interlife is the space between lives-- the place that the soul goes to work on issues, or to rest and recuperate before reincarnating (the shortest rebirth time was 18 months, she said). After discovering their purpose in the interlife, the soul then chooses their body and family, Cannon continued (for more on the interlife, check out this video clip). Ultimately her goal in working with clients is to help them focus on their current situation, and to lead a healthy and happy life. For those interested in a hypnotic regression-like experience and aren't able to get to a facilitator, she offers an mp3 "Soul Journey" at her website store. House Rejects NSA Amendment First hour guest, reporter David Seaman talked about the House rejecting an amendment that would have restricted the NSA's collection of Americans' phone records. The narrow vote, 217 to 205, shot down a proposal by Rep. Justin Amash that would have stopped the NSA from spying on American citizens who are not under active investigation. Our elected representatives are not representing the American public, he lamented. The same kinds of cell phone data the NSA is now taking in on all US citizens is technically identical to the kinds of data the NSA gave over to more efficiently target and kill Afghan insurgents, Seaman reported. "Do we not have any more constitutional protections that someone in a cave in Afghanistan?" he pondered.