The following is a verbatim transcript from last night's Art Bell Show at approximately 1:45 A.M. Friday Sept. 12, 1997 (2:35:42 RealAudio elapsed time, Art: On my Area 51 line, you're on the air, hello. Male caller: Hello, Art? Art: Yes Caller [sounds frightened]: I don't have a whole lot of time. Art: Well, look, let's begin by finding out if you're using this line properly or not. Caller: OK, in Area 51? Art: Yes. Are you an employee or are you now? Caller: I'm a former employee. I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and... [chokes] I kind of been running across the country. Damn, I don't know where to start, they're, they're gonna, they'll triangulate on this position really soon. Art: So you can't spend a lot of time on the phone, so give us something quick. Caller [voice breaking up with apparent suppressed crying]: OK, um, um, OK, what we're thinking of as aliens, Art, they're extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the space program they made contact with. They are not what they claim to be. They've infiltrated a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the Area 51. The disasters that are coming, they, the military, I'm sorry, the government knows about them. And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now, Art. Art: So they're not doing, not doing anything. Caller: They are not. They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable...." Art [fragment]: ...discharged... Caller [sobbing, then fragment]: I say we g .... [Dead air for 25 seconds, followed by theme song and repeat of Mark Fuhrman interview talking about marijuana busts] [2:29:43 elapsed time] Art: We are now on a backup system....The entire transmitting system went down... Art's radio network engineer later reported that the network's communication satellite lost 50 channels (including Art's feed) at that moment, possibly due to a "lost earth sensor" (so it no longer pointed to the earth station). Art reported that the telephone conversation continued off the air for about a minute, when the caller "screamed" and "screeched" and the telephone connection went dead. Art also reported that his Web site registered 5 million hits just after the outage. Later, a Tucson caller who he said worked for Hughes (which Art said supplies microwave systems to Area 51) reported that his computer memory and electronic watch were zapped at the same time that the broadcast went dead, and suggested both events may have been caused by a cloud-reflected EMP (electromagnetic pulse, which are created by nuclear explosions or by special EMP generator). A caller claiming he was with Area 51 security said: "[We're] Professional cleaners, you know they dig a lot of holes in the desert...I use a lot of acid....We worked with satellite operations in the Gulf War when we cut down certain transmissions...." He predicted the caller would not be calling in again.