Mind Harrasment Private investigator specializing in electronic counter-measures, Roger Tolces discussed how surveillance and harassment has shifted from hardware to bio-coded directed energy. After viewing secret Russian spy documents, he believes the US is now using DNA sequencing to develop new mind control techniques, which can target individuals as well as specific ethnic groups. Tolces said many of his clients suffer from what is called voice-to-skull technology (V2K)-- a relentless set of voices talking inside a person's head. These non-stop voices can lead to physical and psychological problems for the victim. Marcia Lee appeared for a segment discussing her case of 24/7 voice bombardment, which centered around her apartment in New York City. She described hearing her neighbors' voices in her head, telling her to do things against her will, such as turning over the keys to her apartment and car to them. The voices would also repeat things she had just said. Tolces was able to help her with shielding techniques, such as an "electrostatic egg." He advises people who are having such problems to not sleep on a mattress that has metal in it, as the metal can conduct or amplify signals, and disturb sleep patterns. When he works with new clients he puts them through a number of tests, such as a "spectrum analyzing system" to determine the frequency and wave forms of the disturbance. A number of callers shared their accounts of being harassed by voices. Tolces also addressed the issue of data mining, and the deterioration of privacy rights in America in recent years.