Afghanistan, Iraq & Colombia Adventurer Robert Young Pelton shared his firsthand knowledge of various violent and war torn areas of the world. Pelton discussed his experiences in Afghanistan, where he was embedded with a special forces team in 2002. According to Pelton, most of the people that form the Taliban in Afghanistan are from Pakistan. Ninety percent of the casualties were Pakistanis, he said. Pelton also talked about the Taliban recruitment process. Pelton commented on the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit global policy think tank. Pelton said he was a strong critic of RAND, as they "do the homework and the thinking for politicians" and essentially "created Al-Qaeda." Pelton shared his thoughts on the Iraq War, noting it as an example of why we should not invade other countries -- "they always end up right back where you started. Pelton spoke about his time in Latin America, the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), and what really happened during the hostage rescue in Colombia. Pelton also remarked on a photo he took that was used briefly in Marvel Studios and Paramount Pictures' Iron Man.