UFOs: Cases & Confrontations In a UFO Special, researcher & filmmaker James Fox and author Richard Dolan appeared separately and together to discuss disclosure, notable UFO cases and confrontations. Appearing during the second hour, Fox was joined by Stephenville, Texas UFO witness Ricky Sorrells, a metalworker who encountered a huge craft at close range. The object had a dull gray finish with inverted cone shapes coming out of its undersides, Sorrells recalled. It was large enough that a plane could have landed it, he previously told Fox. For his upcoming film, tentatively titled Beyond the Blue, Fox interviewed airline pilot Ray Bowyer who witnessed a huge craft over the Channel Islands during a flight in 2007. The film will also include FAA tapes from the 2006 O'Hare Airport incident. He noted two photos of this UFO are said to exist, but he hasn't been able to access them. Dolan joined Fox during the third hour, and spoke about confrontational episodes in which the military displays an adversarial relationship to UFOs, such as scrambling jets after them. Accordingly, disclosure might reveal "trouble in paradise," i.e. the ETs are not our "space brothers," Dolan said. At least one species is creating a hybrid race to meld into our society in order to do their work for them, such as facilitating abductions, he added. Fox shared an account of viewing a video (not made public) shot near Rachel, NV that showed an illuminated disc-shaped craft hovering over a car. He called it the "most impressive footage I've ever seen." During the last hour, Dolan fielded calls from listeners. ---- If you need to contact me. I'm on IRC. EFnet network. (irc.prison.net) Channel #Coast2CoastAM. Are you not familiar with IRC (Internet Relay Chat) then you can try this link http://irc.netsplit.de/webchat/?net=EFnet&room=%23Coast2CoastAM&nick= there you need to enter a nickname and then you are good to go. See you there!