UFOs: Contact & Disclosure A special 4-hour show devoted to UFOs featured noted author and UFO researcher Jacques Vallee in the first half. Three of his classic works on alien contact were recently reprinted by Anomalist Books. He spoke about his investigation into a 1977 wave of sightings in the Brazilian Amazon. People were terrorized by small and large aerial objects, some of which shot out harmful beams. Intelligence officers from the Brazilian Air Force were brought in during the incidents, and a doctor treated around 40 people who were exposed to the beams, he reported. Too much emphasis has been placed on the Roswell Incident, which has a lot of contradictory testimony, Vallee commented. Cases which have yielded physical evidence have more scientific interest, he noted, detailing the study of a molten metal that was found after an unidentified aerial object was witnessed in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Vallee cast a critical eye on several other well-known UFO subjects. His study of the Billy Meier material led him to believe that models were used in his photographs and films. And the 1980 Rendlesham/Bentwaters case fit the pattern of a military psychological warfare experiment rather than true contact, he said. Additionally, he suggested that hypnosis (used in conjunction with much abduction research) is an unreliable method for extracting accurate information. In the second half of the show, UFO activist Stephen Bassett offered commentary on recent cases, and the politics of disclosure. The recent Stephenville, Texas sightings are noteworthy for the extensive media coverage, the military's belated response, and the local newspaper reporter suddenly leaving the paper, he said. France and the UK are "cleaning house" and preparing for disclosure with their release of thousands of files, Bassett noted. However, America has become stuck in a pattern of disinformation, he said, with their "non-denial denial" policy, issuing a standard response on UFOs: 'we no longer investigate this phenomenon-- whatever it is, it doesn't pose a national security threat.' Bassett announced the upcoming X-Conference, which will be held near Washington, DC, April 18-20. Among the featured speakers will be Edgar Mitchell, Jesse Marcel Jr. and George Noory.