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[ 09/06/01 ] Escape 2001 - we escaped ;)

escape2001.jpg (10946 bytes)

It was the Escape 2001 party last weekend, and, as official partners, we were there! So, even though we had so much crap from our old hosts in this last week, and the domain was offline for 7 days, we're back! And stronger than ever, thanks to Anyway, in this weeks show you can hear all the news from the Escape 2001 party, the latest scene news from CFXWeb and Adok^Hugi, lots of kewl music, Makke's report on his trip to the jungle to find the demoscene spirit, and ofcourse all the usual crap from me, your host, dEF bASE! Oh plus, this week we finally got our dual streams up and running, so the MP3's are now in 48k stereo. Enjoy!

Resources used in this weeks show:

Scene & Coding News sponsored by CFXWeb. Includes those URLs you really need :)

Todays show - Playlist (first at the top)

As always, the MP3 of the entire show has about 1min 20secs of blank space at the start

The entire show (2hr 8mins, 15meg RealAudio file. 28k8 modem comaptible)  [ Download ]  [ Stream ]
The entire show (2hr 8mins, 45meg
MP3 file. 128k ISDN comaptible)  [ Download ]  [ Stream ]


1: dEF bASE gives you the usual intro crap!
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

2: Adok^Hugi's latest scene news
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

3: The latest BBS & FTP Scene News
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

4: Escape 2001 Party report
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

5: Interview with the Escape 2001 Organisers
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

6: Interview with Killer^Nuance at Escape 2001
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

7: Interview with Topy44 at Escape 2001
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

8: Makke sends us a report from the jungle on his hunt for the Demoscene Spirit!
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

9: dEF bASE gives you the technical & coding news, and wraps the show up!
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]



Listening to the RealMedia stream requires Realplayer (or compatible), the MP3 requires WinAmp (or compatible). The MP3 stream is high bandwidth - high quality. < 256k connections please use the RealMedia stream. > 256k can use the MP3 stream.








The broadcasts have been archived in realmedia and mp3 format. You may stream them direct from the servers, or download & play locally.

Note that the quality of the MP3 stream is far better than the RealMedia stream, but it's also 10 times larger. Therefore, if you are on a 28.8/56k modem, your bandwidth will only support the RealMedia stream. 128k+ lines (ISDN & up) should be ok streaming the MP3.

Quality of the RealMedia stream is affected by your soundcard quality - crap soundcard = crap stream. If the RealMedia stream sounds tinny & very lossy/full of treble, then use the MP3 stream.

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