Tha HaVoK Free Net Radio


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[ 31/03/01 ] Far too popular for our own good!
Heyhey! Well, the final broadcast before our big Mekka Symposium weekend - we'll be bringing you all the latest. Anyway, this show was a bit shorter due to lack of time, but we still drummed up a kewl set for you. Adok is here, as always, with the latest scene news, dEF bASE brings you all the station & technical news, Clary returns with her friends to bring a french, german and english show, and Makke gets pissed off about computer related illnesses. Ahh, the things we do, eh...

We've had a small problem with our hosts this week - apparently, we are too popular, and used 4.5gig of bandwidth in one month. Crazy huh! Anyway, we're working on a solution, but for the meantime this weeks show won't be archived to the website. Sorry guys!


Todays show - Playlist (first at the top)

Sorry, the record function only kicked in halfway through the first module!

The entire show (1hr 40mins, 11meg RealAudio file. 28k8 modem comaptible)  [ Download ]  [ Stream ]
The entire show (1hr 40mins, 21meg
MP3 file. 128k ISDN comaptible)  [ Download ]  [ Stream ]


1: dEF bASE gives you the usual intro crap!
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

2: Adok^Hugi's latest scene news
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

3: Clary & friends talk german, french and english. Oh, and some computer stuff too.
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

4: Makke's latest rant, and this time he's pissed about the feedback!
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

5: dEF bASE gives you the technical news, and tells you about the plans for Mekka
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]



Listening to the RealMedia stream requires Realplayer (or compatible), the MP3 requires WinAmp (or compatible). The MP3 stream is high bandwidth - high quality. < 256k connections please use the RealMedia stream. > 256k can use the MP3 stream.









The broadcasts have been archived in realmedia and mp3 format. You may stream them direct from the servers, or download & play locally.

Note that the quality of the MP3 stream is far better than the RealMedia stream, but it's also 10 times larger. Therefore, if you are on a 28.8/56k modem, your bandwidth will only support the RealMedia stream. 128k+ lines (ISDN & up) should be ok streaming the MP3.

Quality of the RealMedia stream is affected by your soundcard quality - crap soundcard = crap stream. If the RealMedia stream sounds tinny & very lossy/full of treble, then use the MP3 stream.

Problems listening to the broadcasts? Contact Us...