Tha HaVoK Free Net Radio


Watching over the scene...


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[ 17/02/01 ] Ass kickin shiznit!
A very oldskool-feel show this time. Everyone has gone with the old days, real scene feel! This week, we've got Clary & Fury back from buying their house, giving us a taste of the survivors of the BBS scene, still on amielite! Then, Adok is back with his scene news, a HaVoK essential. Keeping with the oldskool feel, Vention of ex-Kefrens & Polka Bros. fame is in the studio for an interview with dEF bASE, and even Makke is in on the scene act, ranting about demoparties and his friends. All this, and we still manage to fit in the usual scene news, technical discussions and some other random crap!

Oooh look, the whole broadcast has been archived to the website. Click down below, and enjoy!

Todays show - Playlist (first at the top)

The entire show (2hrs+, 16meg RealAudio file. 28k8 modem comaptible)  [ Download ]  [ Stream ]
The entire show (2hrs+, 38meg
MP3 file. 128k ISDN comaptible)  [ Download ]  [ Stream ]


1: dEF bASE's intro & news   
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

2: Adok^Hugi's latest scene news
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

4: Clary & Fury - "BBS, Net & The Scene pt 3" - All about #amielite, telnet boards, and how trading has changed.
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

5: dEF bASE interviews Vention
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]

6: Makke rants about demoparties
[ MP3: Download/Stream ][ RA: Download/Stream ]



Listening to the RealMedia stream requires Realplayer (or compatible), the MP3 requires WinAmp (or compatible). The MP3 stream is high bandwidth - high quality. < 256k connections please use the RealMedia stream. > 256k can use the MP3 stream.









The broadcasts have been archived in realmedia and mp3 format. You may stream them direct from the servers, or download & play locally.

Note that the quality of the MP3 stream is far better than the RealMedia stream, but it's also 10 times larger. Therefore, if you are on a 28.8/56k modem, your bandwidth will only support the RealMedia stream. 128k+ lines (ISDN & up) should be ok streaming the MP3.

Quality of the RealMedia stream is affected by your soundcard quality - crap soundcard = crap stream. If the RealMedia stream sounds tinny & very lossy/full of treble, then use the MP3 stream.

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